S.T.E.P. is as its name implies; a summer theatre enrichment program. It is held in June in the Michael J. Hanson Performing Arts Center currently a two- week long theatre experience. The workshops, which began in the summer of 2001, are run by senior high students and graduates who have been involved in the theatre program at Faribault High School and professionals from theatre to run the high school+ workshops.
There are five levels to the program. K-1 graders are in Storytelling, while 2-3 graders are in Participation Theatre and 4-5 graders are experiencing Recreational Theatre. They develop a little show for their parents, family and friends and is held at noon of that week in the Black Box theatre. The fourth level of enrichment is 6-8th graders. They are involved with a Creative Drama program which places them on the main stage with a single plot story they create or a montage of monologues and short scenes. The fifth and final stage of enrichment is a series of Theatre Workshops. These workshops were first initiated the summer of 2008 with two choices and in 2009 we offered four choices of workshops for high school age + students to take.
The first three enrichment programs are taught by high school and former high school students . With the youngest in our educational community linked to the oldest, unique theatre experiences are created. The week of enrichment is facilitated by two to three directors from the high school program who allow the students to "run the show!" The high school and beyond theatre workshops are taught by professionals in the business of theatre.
MISSION STATEMENT: S.T.E.P. is dedicated to extending opportunities to the younger students in and around our community to experience theatre as one way to communicate ideas effectively with others and to begin to appreciate the communicative process theatre possesses. SPECIAL THANK YOU TO FARIBAULT WAL-MART FOR THEIR SUPPORT FOR THIS PROGRAM!