S.ummer T.heatre E.nrichment P.rogram


Learning theater one S.T.E.P. at a time!


---------Elementary S.T.E.P.---------

WEEK ONE: June 10-13  8AM-12    WEEK TWO: June 17-20 8AM-12 

Students Entering Grades K-1 Storytelling THEATRE Students will learn how to tell stories in a group by acting them out. They will experience making puppets and masks to help tell their stories, practice pantomime as part of the storytelling, and perform for an audience Thursday at noon in the Black Box Theatre.  Enrollment is $40.00 per student and is limited to the first 25 students in each section that pay with their registration. Students may register for one week or two – two weeks is a reduced price of $70.

Students Entering Grades 2-3 PARTICIPATION THEATRE  Students learn acting with theatre games, practice pantomime, and movement which they will perform for an audience Thursday at noon in the Black Box Theatre.  Enrollment is $40.00 per student and is limited to the first 25 students in each section that pay with their registration. Students may register for one week or two – two weeks is a reduced price of $70.

Students Entering Grades 4-5 Recreational THEATRE Students will learn theatre sports, improvisation, and dramatizing a story in a theatrical form, and perform for an audience on Thursday at noon in the Black Box Theatre.  Enrollment is $40.00 per student and limited to the first 25 students in each section that pay with their registration. Students may register for one week or two – two weeks is a reduced priced of $70.

---------Middle S.T.E.P---------

 Middle School Entering Grades 6-8 ~Creative Theatre~ If entering 9th grade next fall you may still choose to have your student participate in this activity – we leave this up to the parents and the students to decide where they would be most comfortable. If you do join this group, you will learn basic characterization, dance, and production all while rehearsing a script to be presented.  Enrollment is $70 per student and limited to the first 30 students that pay with their registration. Performance will be the second Thursday at 6:30PM. 

---------HIGH S.T.E.P.---------

High School Students and Recent Graduates THEATRE WORKSHOPS Two Workshops presented by professionals in the world of theatre. They have ranged from acting auditions, film techniques, dance auditions, scene work, improvisation, stage combat, to Shakespeare. We have had professionals from Minneapolis, Chicago, and University of Texas participate in the past few years.


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