PAST FMS PRODUCTIONS Researching a more complete list of productions from the fall of 1985 until the spring of 2002
Fall of 2002 - In the Mood Spring of 2003 - Into the Woods Fall of 2003- Radio Daze Spring of 2004 - The Hobbit Fall of 2004 - Movie Medley Madness Spring of 2005 - Holka Polka Fall of 2005 - Steppin' Out Spring of 2006 - The Trial of the Big Bad Wolf Fall of 2006 - Teen Idol Spring of 2007 - American Bandstand Fall of 2007 - Murder by Death Spring of 2008 - Fiddle Skits Fall of 2008 - USO: A tribute to Our Veterans Sprig of 2009 - CSI Neverland Fall of 2009 - Much Ado About Middle School Spring of 2010 - Movies on Stage! Fall of 2010 - A Professional Liberation of a Narcissistic Princess Spring of 2011 - Mario Brothers the Musical Fall of 2011 - Spring of 2012 -